Thursday, October 29, 2020


Peter Piper and the Rattlesnake Queen is well on the way with over a hundred pages written. The original estimate for publication is still doable, either towards the end of 2020 or early 2021. As usual, I've designed the cover for the next book in the series: Peter Piper and the Revolt of the Wraiths. Number 3 will give me something to do in 2021.😀

Thursday, October 8, 2020

October 8, 2020

"Peter Piper and the Coyote King" is out in both paperback and ebook formats. It's been suggested that this book is the American "Harry Potter." Why is that? Adventures in a fantasy land (Faunia) with all the perils inherent in an escape drives the story from day to day. All the animals in Faunia want to dethrone King Coyote, but they need more soldiers in their armies. The three kids that are lead actors in the story have certain qualities that make them desirable for soldiers in the coup de guerre armies. 

The end of this book leads naturally into the second book of the series "Peter Piper and the Rattlesnake Queen." The second book is already started and will be published either late 2020 or early 2021.