First there’s fame and then the grave. Might be something
that George would have said. In his thoroughly iconoclastic approach to
entertainment he garnered numerous awards and performance dates (some of which
are on You Tube).
His book “Napalm and Silly Putty” is filled with what his
audience has come to expect—language that dives into the gutter and soars into
impeccable logic. It’s fun to read but the staggering carom of his thoughts
makes a straight reading of the book nearly impossible (except for Carlin
His title derives from what he considered two of the most
important inventions that mankind ever came up with. One to wipe out as many
humans as the jellied gasoline could contact and the other to provide endless
hours of harmless fun.
Carlin’s take on napalm permeates the book as he is
constantly making allusions to devices and methods that would eliminate the
most people at one fell swoop. Part of it was his shtick, but I suspect that
there was something deep down that didn’t really like people in general all
that much.
So George had his fame and now is no longer among the
living. Having spent seventy years doing essentially what he wanted to do, one
can be tolerant of the negative behaviors that probably shortened his life.
If you want some chuckles and a few belly laughs then pick
up a copy you won’t regret it.
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