Been an interesting month. Finished the notes and potential chapters for Duel at Sea IV and the month seemed to be going well. The last week when I'd just started writing the story of the novel I found that the old version of Microsoft Word wouldn't remove a page number from the title page. OK I'll have to get a newer version. The problem was that since I was using Windows 7 the 2019 version of Office wouldn't load, so it was back to the 'net to get a version of Windows 10. The installation was tedious and reminded me of my days as a consultant when I was constantly upgrading. Finally the system (with a MS tech's help by taking over my computer) changed to Windows 10. Then I could install the new version of Office.
Meanwhile I encountered a nasty virus that produced an even nastier bronchitis. So the last week of May there was little work done on the novel.
Looking forward to better health in June as well as more work on the novel.
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